Project Euler Problem #94

Problem #94 concerns triangles that are nearly equilateral and have integer area. The question reads:

Project Euler Problem 94: Almost equilateral triangles
It is easily proved that no equilateral triangle exists with integral length sides and integral area. However, the almost equilateral triangle 5-5-6 has an area of 12 square units.
We shall define an almost equilateral triangle to be a triangle for which two sides are equal and the third differs by no more than one unit.
Find the sum of the perimeters of all almost equilateral triangles with integral side lengths and area and whose perimeters do not exceed one billion (1,000,000,000).

My solution to this problem involves Pell Equations. Here is my solution:

Solution #1: Pell Equation Approach

We have two cases to consider. In the first, the triangle has sides x, x, and x+1. We can show that the area of this triangle is (x+1)*sqrt(3*x^2-2x-1)/4. Thus, it suffices to determine when 3*x^2-2x-1 = y^2 for some integer y. Treating this as a quadratic for x and solving, we get x = (2+2*sqrt(4+3y^2))/6. It is easy to show that y is not odd, so we can write y = 2*z. Thus, sqrt(4+12z^2) = 2*sqrt(1+3z^2) is an integer. It follows that a^2-3z^2 = 1 for some integer a. Thus, determining solutions for x is equivalent to determining solutions for z in this Pell Equation. We can observe that the first 3 solutions are (a,z) = (1,0), (2,1), (7,4). It follows that if (a,z) is a solution, (2*a+3*z, a+2*z) is the next solution. We can write x = (1+2*a)/3. We can observe that every other solution satisfies a%3 = 1, so it suffices to recursively generate every other solution. Doing so, we can find all almost equilateral triangles of the form x, x, x+1.

The other case is triangles of the form x, x, x-1. We can find that the area of this triangle is (x-1)*sqrt(3*x^2+2x-1)/4. Thus, 3x^2+2x-1 = y^2 for some value of y. Solving for x, we get x = (-2+sqrt(16+12y^2))/6. We can observe that this will result in the same Pell Equation, but this time the other half of the solutions will be acceptable, and we can get the value of x from x = (2a-1)/3. From this, we can recursively generate every solution. Here is an implementation of this approach in Python 2.7:

 Author: Walker Kroubalkian
 Pell Equation Approach to Project Euler Problem #94
 import time
 def projectEulerProblemNinetyFour(n):
     # l, l, l+1 Triangles
     y = 14
     x = 8
     pTotal = 0
         yTemp = 7*y+12*x
         xTemp = 4*y+7*x
         y = yTemp
         x = xTemp
     y = 52
     x = 30
         yTemp = 7*y+12*x
         xTemp = 4*y+7*x
         y = yTemp
         x = xTemp
     return pTotal
 start = time.time()
 print projectEulerProblemNinetyFour(10**9)
 print ("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time()-start))
 --- 1.28746032715e-05 seconds ---
 for input of n = 10**9.

And with that, we’re done. This is a great example of the power of Pell Equations. The problem involved finding all triangles with perimeters less than 1,000,000,000, but with two simple Pell Equations, it could be solved in a hundredth of a millisecond.

Thanks for reading! See you tomorrow.

Published by Walker Kroubalkian

My name is Walker Kroubalkian. I really enjoy math, computer science, and hiking.

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